There is a great deal of variety in the Legacy Letters that people write. They write to different audiences, at different times, on different subjects, in different styles, with different messages. But common to all is the motivation to provide a personal communication of value that is enduring and that serves as “something to be remembered by.”
At Wordsmith Associates, we believe strongly in connectedness and the importance of leaving such “footprints in the sand of time.” We believe that the recipients of Legacy Letters find great significance in the words that people share, while authors of Legacy Letters find the writing process to be enlightening and the final results to be a source of satisfaction and reward.
Acting on this belief, Wordsmith Associates offers relevant information and services to support Legacy Letter writers. For answers to common questions that people have, see “Learning about Legacy Letters” (below). For individuals looking for assistance, we offer the Wordsmith Legacy Letter Package of support.
We can make our lives sublime and, departing, leave behind us footprints in the sand of time. – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, A Psalm of Life
Learning about Legacy Letters
What is a Legacy Letter?Brief History of Legacy Letters
Benefits of Creating a Legacy Letter
What Does a Legacy Letter Look Like
Getting Started on a Legacy Letter
For Additional Support
A number of useful publications are available that provide additional details and samples of Legacy Letters – see the Reading List that appears elsewhere on this site. For more active help getting started on your Legacy Letter, consider the Wordsmith Legacy Letter Package.